Xhibition x R.A.K.E. (Random Acts of Kindness Everyday)

"I started Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere when I was actually at my lowest point.
Cleveland native Ricky Smith was a struggling writer in Los Angeles with $20 in his pocket when he saw a sign that read "when you have nothing... give more." Although he dismissed it as trivial, the sign's impact inspired him to spend his last $20 on four Little Ceasar's pizzas and feed the homeless. In hopes of encouraging others to commit their own random acts of kindness Smith posted the video online. Unexpectedly, that same day, the video went viral and people across the nation were taking part and giving back to those in need. The next day Smith received a call to inform him he had been hired for the TV writing job he had been waiting to hear about. Galvanized by his experience, Smith started Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere (R.A.K.E.) to encourage others to join the cause and "pay it forward" to those less fortunate.
Recognized nationally, February 17th was recently announced in Cleveland as Random Acts of Kindness Day with Mayor Frank Jackson honoring Smith and R.A.K.E. for their contributions locally.
To celebrate and take part in this year's National Random Acts of Kindness Day, Xhibition teamed up with R.A.K.E. to give away three $200 gift cards to Cleveland residents who could creatively come up with the best random act of kindness.
It was a great honor on behalf of everyone at Xhibition to work with R.A.K.E. and see so many participants help the community with unique random acts of kindness.
Congratulations to our three winners and thank you to everyone who participated.